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The Body Code Session

30 min
95 US dollars

Service Description

The Body Code is an energy healing modality that deals with balancing the body in these different aspects - emotional, energetic, nutritional, structural, pathogens and toxicity. The Body Code is a sophisticated and complete method of body balancing. Anything that is imbalanced in the body is able to be identified and corrected. This technique is not meant to replace any medical treatment, but by correcting any underlying imbalances, we help the body's innate self-healing ability to take over. As a result, discomfort and malfunction in the body often disappear, the organs function as they should, nutrients are absorbed properly, energy levels are raised, and emotional issues become manageable or nonexistent. Energy and energy healing is not determined by time, space or distance which makes it convenient for clients all over the world to receive services by proxy no matter where they are located. Prayer, intention and connection to a higher power is all I need to work on clearing any imbalances a client might have.

Contact Details

(954) 247-4848

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©2022 by Heal Within You

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician and the energy healing work provided on this website is not to be considered as a substitute for medical care. This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Information provided here should not be considered a replacement for consultation with a healthcare professional. Any questions or concerns about your health should be directed to your physician . Energy healing supports the body’s own natural healing abilities, and is a valuable complement to conventional medical care, not a substitute for it.

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